Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bloons Ipod App Walkthrough


Sunday unusual for corropolesi for a square pie 'Court of lots of movement.
The motorcycle rally, which was to open the festivities in honor of Our Lady of Holy Saturday, May 16, has been moved to today. But it's a motorcycle rally poorer than in previous years, it lacks the open-air museum of vintage bikes and motorcycles, edited by Ilario Di Ubaldo. (photo by Lido Josiah)
After the departure of motorcyclists to the shrines of Teramo, the square becomes the stage for a vehicle. This is a car capable of transporting handicapped and purchased with the help of local businesses. Mayor will provide the driver and so the elderly corropolesi can easily reach places of care or need.
After the return of roaring motorcyclists, the square is overrun by children who had received confirmation with their relatives.
the evening of Sunday 23 will conclude the tournament bowling in pairs, began the day before and won by Rivo Cichetti and Ermanno D'Eugenio.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Zoplicone How Many To Be Dangerous

CORROPOLI May 23, 2010 - May 21, 2010

Punctual back the party Our Lady of Holy Saturday.
In the morning the traditional and a big procession in the evening of Italian music. It must have been for the fact that today is Friday (day job) or because they just closed the Peregrinatio Mariae ... but the procession is closed by a long and thunderous fireworks, we noted a dramatic decline of the faithful.
Not so for the singer Alexia at evening draws a large audience.
The day of celebration ends with fireworks, music to the football field.
The festivities in honor of Our Lady had opened Wednesday, May 19 with a race trump the streets Pie 'of the Court.
the evening of Thursday, May 20 there was the traditional torchlight procession, starting from the Muraglione Madonna, had joined the Church.
The festivities were to begin Sunday, May 16 with the motorcycle rally (now in its 7th edition) of the Marian Shrines (Civitella, Teramo, and Giulianova Corropoli). The meeting with the centaurs was moved to 23.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Washing With Cetaphil

CORROPOLI 8-16 May 2010

are the days of Peregrinatio Mariae, or passage in the various districts corropolesi the statue of Our Lady of Holy Saturday.
This step, in addition to the religious fervor and ardor, has awakened a love of region incredible. E 'became clear the silent race established to accommodate the more worthily as possible the image of the Madonna.
From "Guinness Book of Records" are the white banner with blue writing posted in front of the church of the Holy Spirit (30 x 1 meter long, 50 high) and the giant poster with the image of the Virgin (3.60 for 4, 80) affixed to the bell tower.
But more than our verbal comments are valid images.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Substitue Coconut Oil For Butter In Baking

Place names, or rather the odonomastica corropolese

Today, May 6, 2010, by a lady I was handed a letter found in his box but not addressed to you, with prayer to send it to the recipient.

It 's a letter addressed to the local health authority Core John, residing in via Flaiani, 28.
understand the difficulty of the postman, but not sufficient to place names (odonomastica) recently launched and we would say, very superficially.
1 ª dispute. The plaques that indicate the paths show only first name and initial of first name of the street. This event brings to focus only the surname.
2 ª dispute. If not then exist in the City 2, but even 4-way with names similar .... the error is inevitable.
A Corropoli there is a way f. Flaiani , a way g. Flaiani , a large o.flaian ie a way e. Flaiano .
We have written in lower case because, contrary to all rules of good Italian, plates on the roads Corropoli was abolished CAPS.
E 'was simply the change of a vowel to upset the postman. Our destination lies in the fact via Ennio Flaiano .

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mera Naam Joker Females

CORROPOLI - May (month Rose)

begin to bloom the roses of the Rose Park, which opened last year by the Town Council and cared for, initially, of the association not only and Culture currently SC group.
For the less informed we say that every rose plant, in addition to its name, port one or more names of children. It is hoped that by so doing, born respect for its flower and, in return, that of others.
One of the first roses bloomed is Yakimour Daniel Prosperi.

the Blue Moon Azzurra Ciafrè,

the Terracotta Gianluca Farinelli,

the Michelangelo Rachel Rosati

Baccarat and Red of Elve Cucchiara

and Gold Tequila, Violons d'Ingres and Anny Duperey , leading each rose more names of children (those Nursery School of the junction).

The idea for this Park of Roses was born in Rome visiting the Municipal Rose Garden. Of course you can not compete with the capital ... but we think we have achieved a good idea.
The video below (not exactly brilliant shot because on a rainy day in May) has suggested another idea which we hope to implement.