What was daily life in the real condition of women?
To answer must overcome the iconographic aspect of the woman and the vision proposed by clerics and artists .
The first, in fact, they only see the woman as a source of sin and a half, the second for the female figure, the embodiment of "beauty" divine and an instrument of spiritual elevation, it is instead an object of pure contemplation.
should also be stressed that the opposition iconographic witch / angel figure presents us with a completely disconnected from the real world: an 'idea' of a woman, in short, that tells us nothing in regard to his daily life and the role played down ' interior of the medieval society.
A common place to scale is one in which medieval women relegated to a marginal social role. Conventionally, they are often presented as shadows of men, totally subservient to them and basically no rights, only for the household and the children, away from culture and education. Culture time, significantly influenced by the Christian tradition, regarded the female gender than the male by nature, weak not only physically but also mentally. However, the woman was still a creature of God and as such, was worthy of being respected and protected by others.
An 'other reasons particular attention given to women stems from a simple reasoning material. It is estimated, in fact, that the ratio between males and females was in favor of the first in terms of 10 to 9, at least until the middle of the fifteenth century. The woman was then considered a "rare and precious" to preserve and protect.
The fact that women were under the authority and the protection of his father and later her husband was the logical consequence of the above.
Women, on the other, framed their state of subjugation in the natural order of things.
So far nothing new. The woman in me it seems like all we have yet imagined: a conprimaria fell within a strongly male-dominated society.
One can but wonder whether this concept is actually reflected in the "real life".
The answer is not entirely so.
The "weaker sex" (in which case the expression is particularly effective ...), Indeed, while remaining in the condition that we described above, the woman managed to acquire an area of \u200b\u200btheir expression, taking advantage of a situation that often occurred: the physical absence of her guardian (this was in fact the father or husband) . He was often away from home for long periods, engaged in battle or in business affairs.
During these long periods of absence, the women took care of tasks: the commoners on the one hand, devoted themselves to the continuation of the family, while the "castle" was entrusted with the management of all the possessions of the house.
In case of death of the spouse, the wife did the advent of her husband, at least as regent until the eldest male had not reached the age of majority, but in no event could become a widow and heir, in the absence of male children, the assets returned to the family of her husband.
As naturally occurs during the course of history, this purely patriarchal social rigidity of mold has gradually loosened from the bottom up above me from this time forward are becoming increasingly common that women engage in economic activity , on their own or as employees, beyond the four walls [cf. "Women's work "], assuming the precise qualifications within the system social.
And much more! It is not uncommon to find queens: not intended as wives of kings, but real rulers. Acts of the time that, in some municipalities, the "fairer sex" could even participate in public votes!
It should not be read in all the signs of a real process of equalization of the sexes, the principle of the natural inferiority of the female gender remained, in fact, rooted and all that women could "win" was considered a concession by man.
It should not be read in all the signs of a real process of equalization of the sexes, the principle of the natural inferiority of the female gender remained, in fact, rooted and all that women could "win" was considered a concession by man.
Their social utility continues to be considered in rather restrictive. The woman was praised mainly for its qualities of a good wife and good mother .
Consequently, even in terms of sex, while men were granted a certain freedom, women had to do the most absolute fidelity.
addition to the attention to the clothing and ornaments [cf. "The fashion of the time "], it was customary for women of the time the care and cleanliness of the body, which was the case with frequent baths in scented oils and essences.
In relation to dietary habits shows a particularly interesting women it was only the quantity of food sufficient for sustenance. This was justified by the fact that once again, as being weak and easily corruptible by the vices, they only needed a precise limits to avoid falling victims of the sins of gluttony and greed.
including access to education, there was a difference in treatment. Males had reserved the privilege of access to higher knowledge (the teaching of philosophy and classical literature), females were limited to reading, writing and arithmetic to some notions of (functional management practice of home ).
While men could soon leave the house to attend school, women remained at home longer, entrusted to the mother, this had the task of educating to be of good girls, teach them sewing, spinning, "good manners". Usually the girls approached the know "school" at a later age than boys, they were entrusted to the convents, from which came out once they reach the age to get her husband (around 14 years). This separation of the sexes begins in early childhood. As well in the game the separation was clear: while the children were devoted mainly to the simulation of battles and hunts, the children will enjoy activities maternal copy.
In relation to dietary habits shows a particularly interesting women it was only the quantity of food sufficient for sustenance. This was justified by the fact that once again, as being weak and easily corruptible by the vices, they only needed a precise limits to avoid falling victims of the sins of gluttony and greed.
including access to education, there was a difference in treatment. Males had reserved the privilege of access to higher knowledge (the teaching of philosophy and classical literature), females were limited to reading, writing and arithmetic to some notions of (functional management practice of home ).
While men could soon leave the house to attend school, women remained at home longer, entrusted to the mother, this had the task of educating to be of good girls, teach them sewing, spinning, "good manners". Usually the girls approached the know "school" at a later age than boys, they were entrusted to the convents, from which came out once they reach the age to get her husband (around 14 years). This separation of the sexes begins in early childhood. As well in the game the separation was clear: while the children were devoted mainly to the simulation of battles and hunts, the children will enjoy activities maternal copy.
The fact that she spends most of time in the home allowed women to devote themselves, as well as tailoring and reading (mainly of sacred texts), even music and dance. It was often taught them how to play one or more instruments as the dulcimer, lute or harpsichord. The chronicles report, even cases of women who were part of groups and musicians who appeared moving across Italy and Europe.
["Greensleeves" is a ballad of the time: originally scored for multiple instruments and arranged here for solo guitar]
All practiced in dance, in partical in the "Nana" and "Carol" (the latter quoted by Boccaccio in the "Decameron") [cf. The woman Boccaccio " ].
These dances consisted, in practice, in repeating a limited number of steps, creating plots, emphasizing the rhythm with some clapping.
The dance was not a prerogative of only the upper classes, but it was a widespread practice even among the people (who danced during the holidays, organized in precise periods of the year).
The main forms of dance can be grouped into:
- religious dances (and eg. the "Dance Macabre" or "Dance of Death")
["Ballo in Fa # -" A. Branduardi]
- sacred dances (which accompany religious rituals);
- court dances (characterized by sedate pace and in which the ladies so they could show off the
their elegance);
- profane dances (more rhythmically lively as the "Saltarello");
["Saltarello duct trot"]
- dances of hysteria (the possessed person in the crowd danced wildly, examples of this
tradition are, even today, the "Tarantella" and the Neapolitan "Pinch" Salento).
In light of the foregoing, until now, listen tracks:
In light of the foregoing, until now, listen tracks:
["Fila wool" by F. DeAndre: adapted from a popular French song of the fifteenth century]
["Charles Martel returned from the Battle of Poitiers" by F. DeAndre: co-written with Paul Village, this is a "divertissement" inspired by historical]
Apart from the different tone, as in both tracks can be identified aspects plausible and other more fictionalized, what are they?
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