La vida the Countess of Dia says: "Dia de la Comtesse is fo moiller d'En Guilem de Peitieus, domna nice and hot. enamoret if Rambaut et d'En d'Aurenga and fez he mantas de Bonas cansos . "(The Countess of Dia was the wife of William of Poitiers, a beautiful lady and good. And he loved Raimbaud of Orange, and wrote many beautiful songs in his honor).
Unfortunately, on the basis of this information is not possible to determine with certainty the identity of this poet, in fact there are several William of Poitiers and Raimbaud of Orange. The most reliable means as the Beatrice of Dia wife of William II of Poitiers (between 11 and 63
1189) while another defines it as a hypothesis Isoardi, wife of Raimon Agout and daughter of an earl Dia (between 1184 and 1214).
unfortunately not received its name although it can be assumed that it was Beatrice who lived in Provence and Lombardy in the second half of 1100.
have been betrayed only a few songs in which the countess in a language devoid of prejudice sings a love that was neither married nor intended to marry but full of desire for Raimbaut quivering of Aurenga.
The only part of the Trobairitz which has kept the music belongs to the Countess of Dia and is titled "A Chantar qu'eu not know I had de volria ", which contains some of the most beautiful verses of the Provencal language full of pathos, which can only flow from the heart of a wounded woman in love.

unfortunately not received its name although it can be assumed that it was Beatrice who lived in Provence and Lombardy in the second half of 1100.
have been betrayed only a few songs in which the countess in a language devoid of prejudice sings a love that was neither married nor intended to marry but full of desire for Raimbaut quivering of Aurenga.
The only part of the Trobairitz which has kept the music belongs to the Countess of Dia and is titled "A Chantar qu'eu not know I had de volria ", which contains some of the most beautiful verses of the Provencal language full of pathos, which can only flow from the heart of a wounded woman in love.
I sing about what I would not,
so I have embittered him whose love
because I love her more than anything else;
him with grace and courtesy, not profit me,
nor my beauty, substance and intellect,
because they are ungrateful, betrayed
what would be fair if I were guilty.
friend, comfort me in this: I've never cheated
any with my behavior;
but I love you more than he loved Seguis Valens,
and I like to have you won in love,
my friend, because you are the best.
To me you show arrogance of words and attitudes,
and are well disposed to anyone else.
It amazes me that you turn proudly
To me, friend, and for this reason to mourn:
is not good that another love take you away from me,
still be able to apply to you or welcome;
and remember it was the beginning
of our love ... God forbid
that the separation is because of me!
The great merit of your person,
and the rich prize that you have, I fret:
since there is no woman , near or far,
that if I would not subjugate;
but you, my friend, you have enough feedback
to know who is the most faithful.
And remember our agreement.
my dignity and my nobility will speak for me,
and my beauty, my heart and even more faithful,
and So I send you, wherever you are,
this song, which will be my messenger;
and want to know, my friend nice and kind,
why you so hard and strange to me:
not know if it's pride or even contempt.
But I also want you to tell him, messenger,
many to lose too much pride .
In this song the words of the poet, the uncertainty in awe for fear of being abandoned by the beloved show that arrogant and hard with her alone and so scolded him saying that "for too many lost pride .
m'appago of joy and youth,
and joy and youth m'appagano
that my friend is the gayest,
that are pretty and cheerful;
and because they are honest with him,
well claim that both I really,
than ever not love him m'astengo
heart nor have I any reason.
much I like it, since I know it's the bravest
one I most wish I possess,
and pray to God that will attract happiness
on the person who first drew me
and do not believe any of those who blame him
except who warns
you receive tailored
of what has been done.
A lady that seeks the good value
well must make its intent
on a brave knight
since knows his value;
love and dares to openly
a lady who loves without hiding
the valiant and brave
not tell you that well.
I chose a man brave and courteous,
whose quality improves and increases,
generous, wise and righteous
where opinion and wisdom.
The Please believe me,
and nobody can make him believe
I've ever done wrong to him;
and find in him no fault.
Dude, your value
know the valiant and brave,
why I beg you to give me,
if you like, your protection.
In this song the Countess expressed her joy for the love of her partner, being brave and courteous, also increases the prestige of his beloved.
I live in was painful
For I've got a knight had, and I want
is well known
ch'oltre any measure I have loved.
I see now to be betrayed,
he did not I gave my love,
and so, I am in error
day and night, in bed and dressed.
Well one night I would have
arms bare the beloved,
that certainly would be blessed and happy
I only did the pillow,
Since, I like him more than
did not like Florio and Biancifiore
I will give you my heart and my love,
my senses, my eyes and my life.
Bell'amico, kind and brave,
when I have no power?
only one night with you lying
To make a gift of a loving kiss!
Know that I longed
of possessing in place of her husband,
on condition that I promise
to only what I say.
In this song the Countess says his love loudly and without bias says he wants his beloved.
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