was a woman of great culture, in fact, knew French and Occitan literature as well as Latin America.
His name is linked to 12 Lais, composed between 1160 and 1175. The Lais are short narrative poems (in octosyllabic in rhyming couplets), whose length varies between 118 and 1184 lines, mostly influenced by the topic of love ed'ambientazione fantastic historical anecdotes, tales from the East, especially from biblical stories relating to or chivalric the Breton cycle, the myth of King Arthur.
In his essays shows, with touches of delicacy and grace charges, not just women abandoned and persecuted but also betrayed or riders who have to pay the penalty for their mistakes. Among the most famous Palais Bisclavret, influenced by legends of Greek and Latin as well as Britons, it is taken the myth of the werewolf. In fact, this poem the protagonist Bisclavret after revealing his secret to her beloved is betrayed and forced to wander in the woods without being able to resume human form. The story ends with the revenge of the knight who, after being taken to court by the king himself takes revenge on his wife cheating and cut off his nose with a bite, disability which will be forwarded to the daughters. In
Lanval , however, tells of a young man loved by a fairy who renounces life and stands at the mercy of his immortal companion to ensure happiness after death, thus reworking of the myth of the man who sells his soul to the devil but is loaded with new colors and shades through the pen of Mary and has become a delicate love story .
Here is a small step:
... Inside the tent was the maid of honor. He spent the beauty of the lily and the rose story, when it appears ver the summer. He was lying on a beautiful bed (the sheets that were worth a castle) with a simple shirt was kind and nice. This was partially repaired a precious mantle of white ermine, covered with purple Alexandrian, but left open the side, chest, neck and face, was more white flower spina.Il knight came forward and the maid called him to himself, he sat in front of the bed: "Lanval" - she said; bell'amico, for you have gone out of my land, a distance I have come to seek. If you are brave and kind, neither emperor nor king nor earl had never so much joy and so many blessings, for I love thee above all things. "He gazed and saw her so beautiful, love it stung for a spark, that s 'learned to his heart and inflamed. replied with courteous, "Beautiful lady, if you like, em'avvenga this joy of being loved by you, will perform in my power to your every command, and will be based on insanity or to wisdom. I I will serve you and give away all for you. Beg you always be near that's the thing I most want. "When the damsel heard that he could love her for that sign, granted him his love and his cuore.Ora Lanval is the right way! Then, she had this gift that will never do, of which it was to his talent and spend gifts broadly, she will provide you enough. Lanval now well done! spend more richly than has gold and silver. "Friend "she said" now caution you, I beg and please, do not soon be shown whether the thing to anyone. Suffice to say it would have led me lost forever if others know this love; I can not see, nor ever have. "He replied that he will live up to his command ...
In his essays shows, with touches of delicacy and grace charges, not just women abandoned and persecuted but also betrayed or riders who have to pay the penalty for their mistakes. Among the most famous Palais Bisclavret, influenced by legends of Greek and Latin as well as Britons, it is taken the myth of the werewolf. In fact, this poem the protagonist Bisclavret after revealing his secret to her beloved is betrayed and forced to wander in the woods without being able to resume human form. The story ends with the revenge of the knight who, after being taken to court by the king himself takes revenge on his wife cheating and cut off his nose with a bite, disability which will be forwarded to the daughters. In
Lanval , however, tells of a young man loved by a fairy who renounces life and stands at the mercy of his immortal companion to ensure happiness after death, thus reworking of the myth of the man who sells his soul to the devil but is loaded with new colors and shades through the pen of Mary and has become a delicate love story .
Here is a small step:
... Inside the tent was the maid of honor. He spent the beauty of the lily and the rose story, when it appears ver the summer. He was lying on a beautiful bed (the sheets that were worth a castle) with a simple shirt was kind and nice. This was partially repaired a precious mantle of white ermine, covered with purple Alexandrian, but left open the side, chest, neck and face, was more white flower spina.Il knight came forward and the maid called him to himself, he sat in front of the bed: "Lanval" - she said; bell'amico, for you have gone out of my land, a distance I have come to seek. If you are brave and kind, neither emperor nor king nor earl had never so much joy and so many blessings, for I love thee above all things. "He gazed and saw her so beautiful, love it stung for a spark, that s 'learned to his heart and inflamed. replied with courteous, "Beautiful lady, if you like, em'avvenga this joy of being loved by you, will perform in my power to your every command, and will be based on insanity or to wisdom. I I will serve you and give away all for you. Beg you always be near that's the thing I most want. "When the damsel heard that he could love her for that sign, granted him his love and his cuore.Ora Lanval is the right way! Then, she had this gift that will never do, of which it was to his talent and spend gifts broadly, she will provide you enough. Lanval now well done! spend more richly than has gold and silver. "Friend "she said" now caution you, I beg and please, do not soon be shown whether the thing to anyone. Suffice to say it would have led me lost forever if others know this love; I can not see, nor ever have. "He replied that he will live up to his command ...
From the Breton cycle, however, is based on the Lai du Chèvrefeuille, (honeysuckle) in which the poet shows his sensitivity and skill when he describes Tristan away from the court because of his love for Isolde decides to return to Cornwall to try to get in touch with his beloved, to be able to still enjoy his company.
Much like me, well I want it, the lai called "Honeysuckle" I also tells the truth, as was done, and on what occasion.
Many have told me and told, and I found it in writing, of Tristan and Queen, their love was so fine, ond'ebbero lot of pain, and then he died the same day.
King Mark was in anger: Tristan had been angry with his nephew, dismissed him from his land because he loved the queen. And he's gone to his country, where he was born in Sudgalles and there was a whole year, that he was not given to return, but then began to drop in death and destruction.
not make you wonder: is he who loves loyally very painful and breathless when he is deprived of what desidera.Dolente pensive and sad and so he departs from his country, he goes straight to Cornwall, where the queen lived. Everything you only hunt in the forest, not wanting to be seen, if they went out at dusk, when it was time to repair itself, and staying the night with the peasants and the poor.
asked them what was the news of the king: and they say they have heard that the barons were called by a notice: they must come to Tintagel, the king wants you to take holiday for the Easter there will be roses all, there is great joy and delight, and the king will be the queen.
Tristram heard that, he rejoiced much, it can not make that journey he did not see passare.Il days that the king moves, Tristan is back in the woods along the road, as far as he knew, would have covered the parade. He cut through a core, and looked him right. When it had a stick ready, with the knife he wrote his name.
If the queen will notice, that she was very careful there - the last time that happened was that he saw it - well known in the signal of his view in a short suo.Ecco quant'egli had wrote: that had long been there, and stay on hold, for inspiration and know how he could see her, because she could not live without her. Two of them was just as honeysuckle that s'apprende to Joxer: when was tied and bound es'è placed around the stem, together they can last well, but then who wants to separate them, it soon Joxer dies and also the honeysuckle. "Bell'amica, so it is with us, nor you without me, nor I without you." When the Queen comes riding, looked around a slope, saw the stick, well it will discover and distinguished each letter.
For riders who escort and proceeded together soon ordered to stop: he wanted to get off and rest, they obbedito.La have queen moves away from its people, summons her maid, Brangäne, that was very trusting. Moved away somewhat from the road within the forest he found that he loved more than anything in the world. Among them will give a great joy. He spoke to his own home, and she expressed her pleasure, then exposed in what way can that be reconciled with the king and very sorry that she had given him leave, for others it was induced charges.
A departs as much to leave his friend, but when they parted, here they began to cry. Tristan returned to the country of Wales, until his uncle made him chiamarePer the joy he had of his wife, that day revised, and so he wanted the queen to remembrance the words that he had written, that Tristan knew he had composed a new harp lai.Senz 'else will tell you the name: "Gotelef" they call it the English and the French " Chevrefoil. "That I have the truth of the lai I have here narrated.
addition to the Lais of Marie France, composed a collection of Fables, the first adaptation of Aesop's fables come to us, and The espurgatoire de saint Patrice (The Purgatory of St. Patrick), inspired by the stories of travel in the afterlife, tells of the sufferings of Purgatory.
Especially interesting are the prologue of el'epilogo Fables as the poet reveals the recipients and the intent of his work:
Especially interesting are the prologue of el'epilogo Fables as the poet reveals the recipients and the intent of his work:
"All educated people should really concentrate on reading good books, writing, examples, and maxims that philosophers have labored to write and spread. They began writing the valuable proverbs felt a moral lesson and to whom they entrusted to those who are working for the good they could become better. So did our ancestors of antiquity. The Emperor Romulus wrote to his son explaining how to defend itself from the deceptions of men. Aesop, who knew his master, wrote some stories about him that he had found and translated from the greek in Latin. Most people are very surprised that Aesop used his intelligence in a similar job, but no story is shallow and all of them in the finale, which holds the ultimate meaning of the stories, a lesson of wisdom. Not up to me, who must put the tales in verse, telling stories that appear in this collection, I was asked by him who is the flower of chivalry, and since it is a man like him to ask me, I have no intention to evade the request, although it cost labor and suffering and the contempt of some people, then I begin to tell the first story that Aesop wrote and sent to his lord. "
" At the end of this that I have composed and written in French, I mention that I will remember for posterity: My name is Maria and I come from France. It 'possible that some clerics, many in truth, claiming as its my job. I do not want to be attributed to them: that he forgets himself senseless acts. I started writing this book and translate it from English into French for the sake of Count William, the man most noble of all the kingdoms. This book is called Aesop, Aesop was indeed to translate from greek to latin to compose and to do so. The King Alfred, who liked very much the Aesop, he wanted to translate it into English, and I, exactly as I had found, I put it in French verse. Now, I pray Almighty God to make me put his hand to a work that allows me to make the soul to Him "
"All educated people should really concentrate on reading good books, writing, examples, and maxims that philosophers have labored to write and spread. They began writing the valuable proverbs felt a moral lesson and to whom they entrusted to those who are working for the good they could become better. So did our ancestors of antiquity. The Emperor Romulus wrote to his son explaining how to defend itself from the deceptions of men. Aesop, who knew his master, wrote some stories about him that he had found and translated from the greek in Latin. Most people are very surprised that Aesop used his intelligence in a similar job, but no story is shallow and all of them in the finale, which holds the ultimate meaning of the stories, a lesson of wisdom. Not up to me, who must put the tales in verse, telling stories that appear in this collection, I was asked by him who is the flower of chivalry, and since it is a man like him to ask me, I have no intention to evade the request, although it cost labor and suffering and the contempt of some people, then I begin to tell the first story that Aesop wrote and sent to his lord. "
" At the end of this that I have composed and written in French, I mention that I will remember for posterity: My name is Maria and I come from France. It 'possible that some clerics, many in truth, claiming as its my job. I do not want to be attributed to them: that he forgets himself senseless acts. I started writing this book and translate it from English into French for the sake of Count William, the man most noble of all the kingdoms. This book is called Aesop, Aesop was indeed to translate from greek to latin to compose and to do so. The King Alfred, who liked very much the Aesop, he wanted to translate it into English, and I, exactly as I had found, I put it in French verse. Now, I pray Almighty God to make me put his hand to a work that allows me to make the soul to Him "
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