Wednesday, February 16, 2011

His Hand On My Bare Bottom

Watch the soul of the other dark background of disappointment. This is not protection, no. I do not care anything about it, but to accompany someone, to teach him also to live the pain, disappointment, regret, fear. I need to talk with them, my students, not to save them from "black cloud that surrounds them, but simply to watch them, give them my attention, my participation. Give them a hand that says you live, even so, it grows even so, take your pick, played, addresses, sacrifice, struggle, and find what you are. Do not want a blurred, but a freedom to act in a goal. No discounts or lost games at the start, of course. But sincerity before a task. If there was the disappointment we would already be full and would not make sense to wake up and preparing the table of our day. We would like a heart where all love is gone. It is not a consolation, but at fifteen, the disappointment is like a sword of the enemy that we only need to better equip and start over.


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